Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Sisyphus and the Hill

Pushing a rock uphill, only to have it tumble back down. That's a pretty accurate analogy of how yesterday felt. It seemed like I was getting a lot done, but every time I thought my chapter was almost where it needed to be, I would find a new source that I needed to incorporate...and that source would lead to another source...and on, and on. It was a productive day in that I found some important information, which will ultimately strengthen my chapter, but it didn't seem like my writing was moving forward.

Here are today's goals:

  1. Finish reading through the articles I found yesterday, and make notes of the important points that need to be included in my dissertation.
  2. Re-work the tables in Chapter 1 to make sure that they are accurate and up-to-date.


  1. Sounds like a doable goal and necessary steps to get you back pushing up hill :)

  2. Isn't that just a fitting analogy! I did end up accomplishing the goals I set out at 9am, so it just might help you too! But really anything is progress and that is always freaking awesome

  3. When I read more, there are always more need to be written down.

    Right now, I just put down one sentence for each new idea following the paragraphs. After I finished my original plan, I went back to them. Otherwise, I just wasted couple hours searching and reading.
